Oct 18, 2020 01:28 PM
by GT
Hi and thank you!
Yes, we have option with dicom-folders - copy to database or copy only links to database.
Please, necessary another option - copy links to database from search locations
Oct 19, 2020 08:33 AM

What do you mean by "search locations"?
Oct 19, 2020 11:27 AM
by GT
Thank you! I'm sorry for not being understood. I will try to express myself more clearly.
When I push CTRL+F I have search list from pacs-location.
I can download images from then location.
In many cases I do not need to download dicoms to database, but only links. Than with that links in database I will be able export dicoms to any folder.
Oct 21, 2020 02:09 PM

Thank you for this suggestion. We might add such option in the future.