Dec 19, 2019 07:19 AM
by Tommy
hello, as all you may know I'm an entuxiast RadiAnt user since a long time.
in our clinic we bought a licence to ship RadiAnt viewer into our CDs.
in the instructions sheet we declare that RadiAnt is Windows only but there are some Mac users who started complaining about that.
I have no intention to change our RadiAnt viewer but I want to suggest an alternative to those users... I'd like to know if there's a free simple DICOM viewer that a Mac user may install on his computer and use to diplay DICOM images in my CD instead of using the embedded Windows RadiAnt viewer.
I know that RadiAnt can run on Mac after using WineBottler and other stuff... however this is too complicate for the average Mac users.
I'm looking for suggestions.
Dec 19, 2019 10:04 AM
by Lukash
Horos project
It is free clone of Osirix
Dec 24, 2019 09:07 AM

Apparently, Weasis runs on Mac.