Aug 17, 2018 05:53 PM
by Alan
Hello -
I was hoping to be able to enter new information as DICOM Tags to be associated with the images, but I do not see that this question has been addressed in the User Manual or the forum.
Specifically, ultrasound images often have the title of the anatomic structure seen on the image labelled on the image directly, along with the measurement of that structure, which has been placed there directly by the ultrasonographer at the time of the scan. I would like to crop out the name of the structure measured and the length of the measurement from the image, but then add that information into the DICOM Tag (so it is still associated with the image, but it is now removed from the image itself). Is this possible on RadiAnt?
Thanks for your help.
Aug 21, 2018 08:36 PM
Currently the DICOM tags window presents information in read-only mode. You cannot change the values of the tags or add new elements. Also, you cannot erase parts of displayed images.