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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
Cine MR default FPS

Dec 29, 2021 01:39 PM
by Murilo
Hi all.
I`ve been trying to change the default FPS in cine images from 10 to 20.
I browsed the options.xml file, found were it is cited and edited to the new number, but when I reopen RadiANT, FPS=10 is still there. Should I do it differently to change the default value?
Thank you
Jan 3, 2022 01:58 PM
by boskar
It's probably saved in DICOM tag on a acquisition device. (The MR scanner).
Jan 16, 2022 07:57 PM
by RadiAnt

The default value from options.xml is only used for files which do not include the default FPS in their metadata.
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