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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
CLUT on series

Nov 5, 2021 09:19 AM
by Denis D
Is there a way to apply CLUT on regular series (not on fused ones) ? The idea is to display dicom maps (ADC, CBV, aso...) in colors not in greyscale.
Thanks, regards
Nov 5, 2021 10:50 PM
by RadiAnt
Basically, you can open your ADC series, and some other series (having the same image plane), fuse ADC series onto the second series and set the fusion opacity to 100%. It's a workaround, but it might work for you.
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Nov 25, 2021 05:07 AM
by freemas
Hi, I get arterial and venous phase in fused series
I separate them using split series
but I could not fuse them with PET-CT properly, because They come in successive boxes.
So I close one and open PET adjacent.

If I can move the windows to convenience, it would be good
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