Nov 4, 2016 11:46 AM
by Tommy
is there any way I can choose which columns to show and which one to hide in the PACS query panel? is the display order customizable as well?
personally I'd get rid of the "referring physician", "performing physician" and "reading physician" colums and move the "images" just after the "study description".
Nov 10, 2016 06:02 PM

Currently you can't customize this. Something to deal with in the future...
May 1, 2020 04:08 PM
by Tommy
did some beta testing in the PACS query panel after the addition of the series browser..
here some observations and comparisons:
1- main case panel -> you can sort the order of rows (clicking on colums modifies sorting into ascending or descending) but you can't rearrange the order of columns
- series panel -> you cannot sort the order of rows (if you click on columns nothing happens) but you can modify the order of colums just with drag&drop to the right or left; the custom order is remembered during current session but forgotten when you exit RadiAnt
2- main case panel -> height of the panel can be easily enlarged or shrinked
- series panel -> height is hard to enlarge and it's not independent from the main panel height... moreover the range of enlargement seems pretty limited
3- series panel column labels -> the current order is: # ; Date ; Number ; Modality ; Description ; #Images
there is a couple of issues I see...
a- the "#" and "Number" colums look redundant since they both show the series number
b- the "Date" column has blank rows
bottomline is that the optimal UI situation would be to have:
- sortable rows and arrangeable columns either in the main stady panel or in the series subpanel; the custom order should be remembered among sessions
- series subpanel size shold have an easier and wider range of enlargement
- remove the "Number" column and keep the "#" colums that could be renamed to "# serie" to match the "# Images" colum
- remove the blank "date" column or populate it with some useful information
May 7, 2020 10:51 AM

Certainly there are things that need polishing in the PACS search window.
Just two notes:
1) "#" column is the ordinal number (1,2,3,4,5...) of the series (e.g., so that you know how many series there are in a study), the "Number" column reflects series numbering in the DICOM file (a study can have series numbers: 1,2,5,1001,1002...)
2) Your empty "Date" fields is just a result of your PACS server not sending the series timestamps. Most servers return the timestamp of the series.
May 8, 2020 01:39 PM
by Tommy
thank for explaining the different meaning of "#" and "number"