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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum

May 22, 2018 10:25 AM
by Ian
It's great being able to pull images from a PACS or PACS workstation, but will you be enabling DICOM send to a PACS destination at some point?
Many thanks
Jun 3, 2018 05:41 PM
by RadiAnt
Certainly, at some point we will add the DICOM send feature. This will require some time, however. Currently we have only DICOM parsing module in RadiAnt. DICOM creation module will be required for DICOM send to work.
Aug 19, 2019 02:15 PM
by Jimmy
Is there any development yet on the Dicom Send feature or when it will be publicly available? This is a huge feature that would benefit the community.

Aug 19, 2019 07:25 PM
by boskar
especially regarding the fact that the database is now functional it would be really useful.
Creating new series is of course much more complicated, but acting as C-STORE SCU with files that are already in the database sounds rather easy.
Aug 23, 2019 02:47 PM
by RadiAnt
No specific dates available for the DICOM send feature yet.
Actually, it's not a simple as it may seem.
There are many different DICOM file types (transfer syntaxes), you have to "translate" between them when sending files to another PACS server/workstation (which may request specific transfer syntax).
Aug 25, 2019 11:45 AM
by GT
Thank you for all work!)))

It would be enough for us to send DICOM between Radiants)))
It is not necessary to consider all other dicomviewers)), Radiant is our King)))
Aug 27, 2019 02:09 PM
by GT
Send dicoms(pacs) between two Radiants via VPN - it is True Dream of all our community...)))))

Jan 23, 2021 06:54 PM
by aaaaaaaa

I want to stress again how important the possibility to send the images to PACS would be. We have now based our imaging workflow in our outpatient practice on Radiant, because it is the simplest and the best, and we can archive our images easily. But, sometimes we need to send the images to the hospital (when the patients are to be admitted). Being able to do this with Radiant would save us the hassle with patients forgetting to take their CDs to the hospital (they do not understand that we cannot "send" the images from our outpatient clinic to hospital, and we already "have" the images). Of course this could be acheived with other means, but direct send would be the easiest.

So, DICOM Send is very important, and would make the local archive much more useful.
Jan 24, 2021 01:13 PM
by boskar
bump. Please consider implementing single Transfer Syntax (Explicit VR LE) or "no transfer syntax conversion" and keeping it available in beta (alpha?)-only release as long as You need to polish it.
I fully understand that not implementing a whole set might get your reputation spoiled, but You know, beta is beta ; )

Another option that would be useful for some is to "invoke a command" from a database (for advanced users) - matched with export to a directory? As operating on the database sounds bad.
So exported directory could be passed as a parameter to 3rd party binary.
This way we could have zip compression, dicom c-store, email, wetransfer, whatever-you-want integration.
Jan 24, 2021 04:03 PM
by RadiAnt
Invoking user-defined commands sounds like a good idea. This way lots of missing features could be quickly added before they are available natively in RadiAnt.

We definitely like it and will probably prioritize it to be included in the next beta release.
Jan 24, 2021 11:23 PM
by boskar
Wow, I'll keep my fingers crossed for that.

They are some options that should be designed the right way.
If I could suggest something I'd:
- "hook over" export feature - i.e. profit from creating directory structure using "name\study\series\instance"
- export it to same temporary dir
- pass this directory as a parameter to a predefined command.

That'd be the most simple approach. Issues? For some software we'd probably need a list of instances, for some other spaces in the path could be painful, some other would prefer flat directory with instances...
Exporting a single instance vs. exporting a study with multiple instances problem should be considered as well (the invoked software may behave different way depending on given attribute).

For now I think "directory context" with entire patient\study\series\instance hierarchy created in temp and then the path to the directory passed to the invoked command sounds enough for most cases.

From usability point of view I'd put it under "export" arrow, letting user to define a few instant commands.

That's how i see it. "storescu +sd" would be the first command I'd like to use it with.

Possibilities are andless, You could pass the AET to a child process, number of instances to control everything went fine, or let user invoke a command "per instance" in a loop controlled by Radiant.
Anyway passing entire dir with a hierachy (ideally without spaces like PA1\ST1\SE1\IM1) sounds the most easy to script on later.

Exit message in "alert like" pop-up window? ; )

I truly believe You'd pick the best of what I've written above and find a good compromise between what is really needed and Your precious coding time.
Jan 28, 2021 06:51 PM
by Tommy
nice idea indeed
Jan 29, 2021 12:01 PM
by RadiAnt
Early beta versions with the "external" DICOM send feature could be available in the next month.
Feb 3, 2021 08:10 AM
by Tommy
WOW!!! that's a real milestone!!!
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