Aug 8, 2019 12:52 PM
by Metaforze
Hello all,
I would like to export a large amount of X-ray images to .JPG files. If I use the export function however, each file gets the same name (like IMG-0001-00001.jpg). This way, I can not recognize which X-ray is from which subject, from the file name. If I open the X-ray, the subject ID is still in the image, but it is impossible to organize and analyze these files if they all have the same name.
Is there a way to export the dicom files to JPG while keeping the name? The dicom names are correct (subjectID-visit-date.dcm).
Thanks in advance!
Aug 8, 2019 01:03 PM
by Metaforze
PS I have around 4800 subjects, each with 2-3 X-rays. As I am new to RadiAnt, I can't tell if each subject is a series of it's own, or how the series are determined?
Aug 17, 2019 02:29 PM

Currently there is no way to customize the names of exported JPG files.
However, if you use the "All opened series" export mode, the exported files will be organized in a folder tree with patient names and study dates.
A series consists of images belonging to the sames study and having the same series UID.