Apr 5, 2011 07:29 AM
by Radiologist
First of all, thx alot for this excellent little piece of software! One question reagarding export of MRI-series too JPEG (RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 0.35, winXP and win7). When selecting no DICOM overlay/no text on images I still get the small letters indicating directions on the images, as well as a metering scale along the border of the images. Is this a bug? In case not, would it be possible to implement a export function leaving out all text overlays?
Keep up the good work, and best regards!
Apr 5, 2011 01:31 PM

Thank you! The issue you mentioned is not actually a bug. However, it seems reasonable that there should be an option to completely hide overlays. To be resolved in the next release :-)
Best regards,
Apr 9, 2020 02:38 AM
by Vet
Great work with the program. Any movement on a method to disable the scale for export?
Apr 9, 2020 01:02 PM

Thank you!
It seems that the rulers are not exported when the "Annotations" option is set to "Disabled" in the export window.
We will make one change in the next beta version, however. The annotation toggle button will also hide rulers along with the text annotations in the viewer window.