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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
Hide reference lines

Jan 21, 2012 07:20 AM
by Tommy
I love the yellow reference lines that RadiAnt viewer shows during image review. they help a lot.

however sometimes I'd like to toggle them off in order to take screenshots of combined viewports showing only the DICOM images without any line.

is that already possible or a new option has to be added?
Jan 21, 2012 07:39 PM
by RadiAnt
Currently no option to hide reference lines is available. In the future it will be available in the menu under 'A' button.
Jan 22, 2012 08:26 AM
by Tommy
thanks. actually is not a top priority issue.
Mar 24, 2012 01:43 PM
by Tommy
fixed in beta 0.99.
thanks a lot!!!
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