Oct 31, 2015 08:41 AM
by Tommy
I see two potential important improvements to that panel:
1 - allow user drag and drop series from panel to view
2- allow user to use the viewer while the panel is open. actually when the panel is open you cannot do anything with the viewer. if the panel and the viewer can be set as independent items the user could keep the panel open in another monitor and load series at any time (that would be more useful if drag and drop was allowed)
Nov 3, 2015 05:23 PM

Thanks, Tommy. We'll think about it.
Nov 5, 2015 05:35 AM
by Tommy
these two improvement could be useful when you have exams with many series and it can be annoying and cumbersome to scroll down the whole serie preview panel to seek the exact series you wanna load.
the "Open multiple series" panel is more compact and it would be much easier and faster to do the job via frag and drop from there
If I remember correctly the Agfa Impax PACS has a similar option with a detachable series preview panel that you can more around the screen and keep it around when you need it
Nov 11, 2015 05:38 PM
by aaaaaa
If you mean the Agfa Impax EE, it is a java app that typically uses around 1 GB memory with two exams loaded, VRT is tragic and MPr too. No detachable panel can change that.
Nov 11, 2015 06:11 PM
by Tommy
It was an Agfa Impax version I worked with in San Diego UCSD where I have been a visiting fellow more than 10 years ago... don't remember the exact version.
but I remember this nice series preview panel that you could more around and resize to different layouts... vertical single column(like RadiAnt currently does) or horizontal with multiple rows and columns
the performance of Impax VRT and MPR is irrelevant in this topic and I do not even recall it...
Nov 11, 2015 10:51 PM
by aaaaaa
I didn't mean to offend you. I have to work with Impax EE every day, so I know the program well, and I don't like it. I mean all the customization, plugins, tools that appear if you hover over the edge.. Nice, but I would prefer the program to be more responsible on decent machines, and maybe be able to do a good looking VR that I could show to the patients fast.
Nov 12, 2015 05:55 AM
by Tommy
I understand your frustration about issues over your Impax, but again this is off-topic...
I just said I liked that "detachable series preview bar" I saw in Impax years ago and asked to implement it in RadiAnt, that's it...
I'd like that the current RadiAnt preview bar could be detachable as well and resizable to different row and columns patterns.
as an alternative I asked to tweak the current "Open multiple series" panel in order to use it as a movable compact series preview panel...
it won't have thumbnails but it has series names and number and it will serve it's purpose as well
Nov 12, 2015 07:21 PM

Tommy, you've got point here. Like I said, we'll consider it.
Nov 13, 2015 09:01 AM
by Tommy
another consideration is the current behaviour of the "Open multiple series" panel.
when you load selected series they replace the current series you already have on the viewer.
sometimes is what you want, but sometimes you could prefer to append the new series to the old ones.
ideally users should have the choice to do both things...
I mean default behaviour would be "click -> replace"
while "shift+click -> append"
Nov 15, 2015 04:33 PM

OK, I think this would be helpful.
Apr 25, 2020 06:50 PM
by Tommy
this one needs a reminder. :-)
Apr 29, 2020 01:26 PM

This will be taken care of in the next beta. Thanks for your persistence ;-)