Jun 6, 2020 10:26 AM
by Tommy
just a minor request...
would it be possible to tweak the DICOM Database way of displaying patient's name?
in my practice the cases are shown in this format:
but RadiAnt database table displays them as:
Doe John
in the viewer the DICOM TAG field is correctly shown as DOE^JOHN
but in the database the surname and name are shown with just the first letter in caps and the "^" separator is not displayed
for the sake of UI consistency I'd like the database to show the exact DICOM tag format as is written in the DICOM file.
change of this formatting, expecially the hiding of the separator may have an impact while dealing with people with multiple names and surnames
an example is having two patients called:
if you display the "^" separator those are clearly two different patients with apparently the same surname and name
but if you hide the separator the both become:
Newton John Paul
Newton John Paul
so potential patient mixing may happen...
so please, don't hide the separator and let the use choose which format better please his eyes...
I'd prefer always to read:
instead of:
Jun 7, 2020 12:46 PM

Thanks for the suggestion, Tommy. We will probably add an option to retain original formatting of names.
Jun 7, 2020 01:57 PM
by Tommy
thanks for considering this tweak.
making the separator visible also allow the user to see if there's been a SURNAME NAME misregistration from the front office...
sometimes if happens that DOE^JOHN is incorrectly registered a DOE JOHN^
but hiding the separator would make it appear as Doe John so you couldn't realize that a bad SURNAME^NAME formatting has taken place