Sep 29, 2022 06:01 AM
by ep
Dear RadiAnd team,
First of all - and I will not get tired of writing this - RadiAnt is the best DICOM viewer as it is (and it is constantly getting even better!) so thank you all for this.
Second of all - I have an issue with Export location.
Often I paste root directory path into Folder input field - from Windows Explorer or elsewhere, and most of the time the pasted text does not end with a backslash. So I paste something like "D:\Project\DICOM".
And if I export several studies with this path in the Folder field, I end up with multiple subfolders in "D:\Project" named "DICOM<Subject 1><ID 1>", "DICOM<Subject 2><ID 2>" and so on.
Is this intentional or can it be changed?
(I personally would like export to create subfolders inside "D:\Project\DICOM", say, "D:\Project\DICOM\DICOM<Subject 1><ID 1>" when "D:\Project\DICOM" is typed into the Folder field)
And it would be even better if the exporting tool could also separate Series into subfolders under Study folder, but that is a different proposal..
Jan 3, 2023 01:28 PM

Thank you for your kind words, ep!
Apparently the behavior you described is unintentional, and we'll correct this in the next release.