Jul 16, 2012 10:25 PM
by nengo
Are there any plans to support the Nifty format (
http://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/)? It is a very common format in Neuroscience (especially fMRI) and there are some easy to use Open Source libraries RadiAnt could use.
Jul 17, 2012 08:24 AM

Unfortunately we cannot give a time frame for this feature, we have a lot of things to do in RadiAnt that we think will have a wider user base...
Nov 20, 2015 08:19 PM
by Niels
This topic does not seem to be pursued for some time. For me (user of various scientific brain imaging tools, FSL, SPM, Freesurfer,...) an integration of NIFTI with your excellent DICOM viewer would be an absolute killer feature! Any ideas if this may happen in the near future? Very happy to buy some licences then.
Nov 24, 2015 09:31 PM

Hi Niels,
Sorry to disappoint you but in the close future there's no chance for implementation of the NIFTI format in RadiAnt. Still a lot of things to do that have much wider user base... This doesn't mean we give up on NIFTI, perhaps in the more distant future it will make its way to RadiAnt.
Nov 25, 2015 05:08 PM
by aaaaa
I think you are underestimating the userbase for this feature. There are many doctors / scientists who use both DICOM and NIFTI files on daily basis and need a good tool to select the DICOM files that should get converted to NIFTI. For instance, for DTI analyses, I need to download the files with IMPAX, export them to a directory, convert them from the JPEG transfer syntax using dcmdjpeg and run MRIConvert on them. So I use 3 programs to get the data I can work with. If I have some DICOM data already lying around, I need a viewer like Radiant (or formerly I used DicomWorks) that can select the series and save them to another directory in order not to convert everything.
If Radiant could read/write NIFTI files, preferably with bvecs/bvals export as in MRIConvert (lcni.uoregon.edu/downloads/mriconvert), I would connect to PACS with Radiant, download, save. . finished in few clicks.
Moreover, there is a NIFTI IO lib in C, which is really easy to use, and is open source, so you can just use the code inside of your program niftilib.sourceforge.net. Even MRIConvert is opensource, so the export routine for NIFTI could really be a copy paste thing, passing the original DICOM files to the code from MRIConvert (I think adjusting the code to support your representation of DICOM files would not be necessary).
Scientists do not need the CE / FDA mark, and the problem with all programs that can do this is that these are really bad DICOM viewers. Having an excellent DICOM viewer with NIFTI export feature would be something completely new on the market.
Nov 30, 2015 10:28 PM

Cannot promise anything. But the message has been received: there is a demand for the NIFTI support in RadiAnt :-)
Dec 18, 2015 05:00 PM
by Niels
Thanks Maciej.
I fully agree with aaaaa that having an integrated viewer for DICOM AND NIFTI would be a big plus and a stand-alone for RadiAnt...
Hope, you find the time to integrate NIFTI reading (and writing maybe later?) features.
Jun 20, 2016 05:13 PM
by Tomas
Just adding that yes, there really is a demand for a good nifti viewer in windows :)
Sep 23, 2017 02:06 PM
by J Gutierrez
An a year after it hasn't happened yet that Radiant implements a nifty plug in to work on nifty files. I've struggled a lot on this and may have to transfer to mac to be able to use osirix, but hate macs. Really a shame nifty viewer or processor hasn't been implemented in Radiant after 5 year of waiting.
Sep 27, 2017 08:14 PM

Sorry to dissapoint you guys.
We have to make tough decisions when choosing which features to implement first...
Nov 1, 2024 02:59 PM
by Anibal
NIFTI, aun no sale. Incrementaria la productividad de los investigadores. realmente seria Util. es muy costoso para Uds o muy dificil de implementarlo?