Dec 4, 2016 03:05 PM
by Raphael
Hi, I´ve tried many times to change windowing settings at Options.xml, making my own customization, it´s saved but Radiant didn´t change. How can i do it properly?
ps. Version BETA 64-bit
Dec 6, 2016 09:54 PM

Can you paste the xml from your options file here?
Dec 7, 2016 12:21 AM
by Raphael
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<toregion>0</toregion> <!-- zoom-to-region mode (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<offcenter>0</offcenter> <!-- the image region pointed by mouse cursor (when zooming is started) retains its position on screen (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<scrollwrap>1</scrollwrap> <!-- "endless" scrolling (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<!-- <i m="CT" i="2" n="Cerebro" ww="70" wl="30"/>
<!-- <i m="CT" i="3" n="Sangue" ww="180" wl="80"/>
<!-- <i m="CT" i="4" n="AVC" ww="40" wl="40"/>
<!-- <i m="CT" i="5" n="Moles" ww="400" wl="50"/>
<!-- <i m="CT" i="6" n="Osso" ww="2000" wl="600"/>
<!-- <i m="CT" i="7" n="Pulmão" ww="1500" wl="-400"/>
<!-- <i m="CT" i="8" n="Preset 2" ww="32" wl="30"/>
<nmneg>0</nmneg> <!-- show NM (nuclear medicine) images in negative (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<enabled>1</enabled> <!-- automatic synchronization (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<slice>1</slice> <!-- synchronize slice location (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<zoom>1</zoom> <!-- synchronize zoom&pan (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<window>0</window> <!-- synchronize window settings (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<notify>1</notify> <!-- notify about new updates (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<tools> <!-- tools assigned to mouse buttons (1 - browse series, 2 - zoom, 3 - pan, 4 - change WW/WL, 5 - ROI) -->
<lmb>1</lmb> <!-- left mouse button -->
<mmb>4</mmb> <!-- middle mouse button -->
<rmb>2</rmb> <!-- right mouse button -->
<mw>1</mw> <!-- mouse wheel - valid tools: browse series (1) or zoom (2) -->
<penscalpel>0</penscalpel> <!-- associate the scalpel tool with pen (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<autorun>1</autorun> <!-- Cine mode is started automatically for XA and US series -->
<fps>10</fps> <!-- default frames-per-second rate for series without predefined FPS -->
<autoshow>1</autoshow> <!-- mode of showing first image in viewport (0 - user has to click a series to show it, 1 - first scanned image file is shown, 2 - after scanning all files, first series from the preview bar is shown) -->
<ussep>0</ussep> <!-- show separate thumbnails for single frame ultrasound images belonging to the same DICOM series (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<desc>0</desc> <!-- study sorting mode (0 - ascending date, 1 - descending date) -->
<!-- disabled features and toolbar buttons -->
<!-- <folders/> -->
<!-- <cddvd/> -->
<!-- <pacs/> -->
<!-- <export/> -->
Dec 7, 2016 10:56 AM

You have to remove the start comment strings "<!--":
<i m="CT" i="2" n="Cerebro" ww="70" wl="30"/>
<i m="CT" i="3" n="Sangue" ww="180" wl="80"/>
<i m="CT" i="4" n="AVC" ww="40" wl="40"/>
<i m="CT" i="5" n="Moles" ww="400" wl="50"/>
<i m="CT" i="6" n="Osso" ww="2000" wl="600"/>
<i m="CT" i="7" n="Pulmão" ww="1500" wl="-400"/>
<i m="CT" i="8" n="Preset 2" ww="32" wl="30"/>
<nmneg>0</nmneg> <!-- show NM (nuclear medicine) images in negative (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
Dec 7, 2016 10:58 PM
by Raphael
I did, but it still doesn´t work.
Mar 21, 2017 04:07 AM
by Guest
How to disable menu bar itens? I tried uncommenting the each line, but that did not seem to work.
<!-- disabled features and toolbar buttons -->
<!-- <folders/> -->
<!-- <cddvd/> -->
<!-- <pacs/> -->
<!-- <export/> -->
Mar 21, 2017 04:12 AM
by Guest
Nevermind, just found out how to do it right! Example:
<!-- disabled features and toolbar buttons -->
<!-- <folders/> -->
<!-- <cddvd/> -->
<!-- <pacs/> -->
<!-- <export/> -->
Aug 27, 2017 12:22 AM
by Henrik B.
I also had trouble with the options.xml and for a while I thought I was going mad.
When writing .xml files it is best to avoid special characters as ã, ö, é.
The file will then be ignored.
Aug 29, 2017 10:14 AM

If you use special characters, you have to make sure that the options.xml file is saved in UTF-8 format. Otherwise RadiAnt will not read it properly, like you observed.