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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
Overlay.xml: show DICOM tag nested within a sequence

Feb 12, 2019 08:22 AM
by Daniel

I need to display a specific DICOM attribute in the overlay annotations, but I can't manage to retrieve its value with the overlay.xml file.

I tried to add it as a single element "e", using "k=1" and "i=[DICOM tag]". It works for most DICOM tags, but not for this one, which happens to be nested within a sequence. I tried other tags wihtin the same sequence, or even other sequences, but Radiant won't display them.

Here is my code: (PT modality only)

<set m="PT" e="1">
<i r="2"><e k="2" t="Weight: "/><e k="1" i="00101030"/><e k="2" t=" kg"/></i>
<i r="1"><e k="2" t="Total dose: "/><e k="1" i="00181074"/></i>

Tag number "0010:1030" belongs to the "Patient Weight" attribute, which displays correctly.

Tag number "0018:1074" belongs to the "Radionuclide Total Dose" attribute, which does not appear in the overlays. This tag is nested within the "Radiopharmaceutical information sequence" (0054:0016), which is used in NM and PT images.

Is there a special way of introducing nested DICOM tags in the code? How can I show them in the overlay annotations?


Mar 3, 2019 01:49 PM
by RadiAnt
Daniel, currently it's not possible to configure the display of DICOM nested tags in the overlay.xml file. We will add this to our to-do list.
Oct 1, 2020 06:07 AM
by Eric

half one and a half year later ... is it still on the to-do list?

Best regards

Oct 19, 2020 07:33 AM
by RadiAnt
Still on to-do list...
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