Jun 19, 2017 11:48 AM
by Carlos
Hello community,
I am trying to route studies from PACS to a RADIANT viewer but I have found in the documentation that only transfers initiated from the Radiant are accepted, is there ant way to disable this configuration?
The PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) client feature lets the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer query and retrieve studies from other PACS hosts.
Supported service class users/providers are: C-ECHO SCU, C-ECHO SCP, C-FIND SCU, C-MOVE-SCU, C-STORE-SCP (Only transfers initiated from the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer are accepted. If you try to send studies from other PACS nodes without searching them first and starting the download in RadiAnt, they will be ignored).
Thanks in advance!
Jun 19, 2017 01:10 PM

Currently all studies received without the download being initiated by the user are discarded. This is due to the fact that RadiAnt DICOM Viewer has no local archive. All received DICOM files are stored in a temporary folder and deleted when the application is closed.
As soon as the local database is implemented, you will be able to send studies directy from other PACS locations to RadiAnt.
Jun 20, 2017 04:15 PM
by Tommy
looking forward for the local RadiAnt database... it would be amazing!!!
Oct 24, 2017 07:20 PM
by DrMaestro
I think the local database is a very very important function. Right now, it is possible to find some good free PACS software like Orthanc but it isn't possible to find a free DICOM viewer which can also create a database of your patients (where you can write comments).Osirix
(and Horos) is the only viable option but only on Mac. I find this possibility to be revolutionnary for an affordable and PC based PACS solution. Any news about when it will be implemented?
Oct 25, 2017 07:25 AM

I can only say that the local archive feature is one of the top priority items on our to-do list.