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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
questions about fusion

Oct 18, 2016 03:07 PM
by a.todorov

I have been evaluating RadiAnt DICOM Viewer for a few months. We are planning on buying some licenses. Currently I have few questions about the fusion.

1. I want to show both fused (PET-CT) image and CT image of a patient. Now I split the screen in 3 parts: one for the CT-image, one for the PET-image and one for the combined (fusion) PET-CT image (in which the PET-image is the basic image). But when I close the PET-image window in order to show only the two other windows - the PET-CT window and CT window, the fusion disappears.

How to show only the two images - PET-CT (fusion) and CT, without the PET-image? Is there I way to hide the PET window without closing it, or some other way...

2. We are planning on buying also the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer CD/DVD tool. It is very useful. Is there a way to configure the RadiAnt DICOM Viewer CD/DVD in such a way, that when it started to automatically show the DICOM images in the above fusion mode (as in question 1)?

3. Can I show fused (PET-CT) image in 3D?
Oct 19, 2016 03:22 PM
by RadiAnt
1. There's a workaround to achieve this:
a) open a PET-CT study
b) duplicate window (CTRL + SHIFT + N)
c) open PET series in the second window, minimize it.
d) open CT series in two panels of the first window
e) enable fusion in one CT panel

2. & 3. Currently the answer is no.
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