Feb 21, 2012 06:43 AM
by Tommy
I love that RadiAnt may run in multiple instances so I'd like to have a button or a shortcut (but a I'd really prefer a button) that let's me open a new RadiAnt viewer window.
I know that I can open multiple RadiAnt windows clicking over and over again on the desktop icon of the software, but a toolbar button would be more handy.
think about it.
Feb 21, 2012 01:15 PM
Yeah, we'll definitely think about this.
May 19, 2012 06:33 AM
by Tommy
another reminder. I'd like to have that button in the main toolbar to launch a second RadiAnt Windows instead of looking for its icon on the desktop.
May 21, 2012 07:51 PM
I can see a place for such shortcut perhaps under split screen button (rather not a separate button on a toolbar)
Jul 19, 2012 06:46 AM
by Tommy
button or shortcut? doesn't matter what you choose.
it will be a handy feature. it should not be very difficult to implement, isn't it?
Jul 20, 2012 10:02 AM
by Javier
Tommy: What are the benefits of running multiple instances, if you have the possibility to split the screen?
Jul 24, 2012 07:11 AM
by Tommy
better comparison of different studies in different monitors
May 26, 2013 10:02 AM
by Tommy
just a reminder 4 this feature
May 29, 2013 07:49 AM
thanks :)