Apr 1, 2016 03:56 AM
by Tommy
hi there,
I need some help and clarification about command-line retrieval from PACS with RadiAnt
I've seen the following examples in the online manual
Start downloading studies that match a specific DICOM tag/value pair
(radiantviewer.exe -pstv 00080050 "1412-14-ACCESSION-NUMBER" or radiantviewer.exe -pstv 0020000D "")
what should I write to retrieve a case from PACS just knowing the patient's name and the study acquisition date?
let's say I wanna load a study that MICKEY MOUSE did in january 22nd 2005...
and what happens if MICKEY MOUSE did 2 exams the same day, let's say an MRI and an ultrasound?
is there a different syntax to use if I wanna load all the studies he did that day or if I wanna limit the retrieval just from a single modality?
where I can find a list with DICOM tags to use to assemble different queries?
Apr 2, 2016 08:09 PM

For all studies from a given day:
RadiAntViewer.exe -pstv 00100010 "PATIENTNAME" -pstv 00080020 "20160401"
Only one modality from that day:
RadiAntViewer.exe -pstv 00100010 "PATIENTNAME" -pstv 00080020 "20160401" -pstv 00080061 "MR"
Have a look at the DICOM tags window (CTRL + ALT + T), you'll find there Tag IDs with descriptions.
Apr 3, 2016 05:16 AM
by Tommy
thanks. I'm gonna play with this.
Apr 4, 2016 06:27 AM
by Tommy
this works perfectly!!! now I'm making macros to integrate my reports with RadiAnt and PACS... I open a report from a patient, push the macro button and it loads the corresponding images into RadiAnt
another information... is there a command-line parameter just to show and prefill the "seach and download" panel ?
It would be nice to just see the list of the DICOM cases found from the PACS without loading them in the viewer...
the user could see the list of exams from that patient and than manually choose which one to load in the viewer.
Apr 10, 2016 07:59 PM

No, you can't show the search panel via command line parameters. Perhaps we'll add such option in the future.
Apr 11, 2016 05:15 AM
by Tommy
consider implementing this one too.
power users could create batch scripts and macros to fully integrate RadiAnt with their reports and RIS systems