Oct 6, 2018 10:50 AM
by Eisenhorn
Oh THANK YOU for Radiant! You and Radiant GENIUS!
Please may be you can say about WHEN? When we will get - Oh thank you - that option?
Oct 8, 2018 07:24 AM

I think that we will have an early beta version ready before the end of October. The functionality will be very limited, and it will improve with every next beta version. We want to start with a robust DB engine designed with performance in mind and add all the bells and whistles later. So we wouldn't want to raise your expectations just now ;-)

Oct 8, 2018 03:23 PM
by Tommy
looks promising!!!
what about the internal storage format?
a kickass feature would be to able to store cases as ZIP files instead of uncompressed DICOM folders.
it would dramatically reduce the space required to store the images and RadiAnt could easily load them in .zip format as well.
it would be the first software to do so... all the PACS viewers I know always store cases as uncompressed DICOM folders.
Oct 9, 2018 02:00 PM
by JJ
This is very exciting news!!! I am eagerly awaiting this release. Will be posting suggestions too! Good work Radiant team!
Get those servers ready, you're about to become THE dicom browser for non-mac users. I'll be certainly spreading the news at my institution.
Oct 17, 2018 07:22 AM
by Eisenhorn
Oh thank you! I send you my email, please, I need that preview!
Oct 17, 2018 07:55 AM
by Eisenhorn
Thank you for beta! It's brilliant! Very simple, very extremely fast! Amazing!
I hope with another versions pacs files will get into the database itself. Right now it seems it can be done only manually through the imort wild folder. But Thank you very much! Amazing work!
Oct 17, 2018 08:01 AM

Thank you for your feedback :-) Sure, import from PACS will be added in next versions. We just wanted to share with you what we have right now - hopefully a solid basis for the local archive feature that can be built upon.
Oct 17, 2018 08:09 AM
by Eisenhorn
Thank you very much for sharing! I think people never see so smart cool program for radiologist and surgions! Radiant - it's a very true high-quality code! With tiny size customer get Great Program surpass all overs with they codes of hundred Mb.
Oct 17, 2018 10:21 AM

Thank you, Eisenhorn!
Oct 21, 2018 05:58 PM
by Tommy
just to let the developers and other users know that it's possible to set the RadiAnt database folder in a single network shared folder and to point multiple copies of RadiAnt on different computers to import and store cases in a single location so any imported case would be available to all computers in the network.
to do so you have to change manually the DB folder into a proper network shared folders.
location change can be accoplished by digiting regedit in the Start menu run field and then edit the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RadiAnt Viewer\DBPath value in Registry.
Oct 22, 2018 05:53 PM

Tommy, it is technically (still) possible but can lead to the corruption of the DB. SQLite, which we use, warns against placing the db file on the network shared folders. File locks don't work well in such scenarios and this can lead to two clients writing to the file at the same time, thus corrupting it. I think we will block network folder locations for the DB to prevent this kind of issues.
Oct 22, 2018 07:58 PM
by marcelvn
Maybe an option to have more than one DB location, with the ability do copy studies from one to another.
This may be handy, for sharing exams or for educational purposes...
Oct 23, 2018 03:39 PM
by Tommy
shared network location would instead be a bless.
why not thinking on a workaround to prevent concurrent access to the database of 2 different clients.
maybe some delay of DB upload or initial copy to a local temp folders and subsequent upload and writing in the DB folders.
Oct 24, 2018 06:54 AM
by Tommy
you, the developer, whetever you do is never enough...
we, the users, always want for more... :-)
Oct 25, 2018 12:21 PM
by Tommy
I'm speaking again in defense of the "shared folder" DB location.
please don't remove that option...
let keep a "use it at your own risk" policy...
newbies and regular users won't probably put the DB folder in a shared location
while power users should be allowed keep doing it.
I'm thinking a workaround to avoid DB corruption... let me explain my plan:
1- I will put a single RadiAnt installation on the PC I wanna use as a server which has the DB in a normal folder in the same PC where it's installed
2- I will share the whole RadiAnt application folder and it's DB folder as well
3- I'll put a link to the shared RadiAnt .exe application on other PC of my workplace
4- in each of those PC I will install a local RadiAnt application too whose DB location will point to the server DB folder.
5- client computers will import new cases using the same shared RadiAnt .exe
6- client computers then could then watch the images using the local RadiAnt .exe
is this trick going to avoid simultaneous uplaod of cases and DB corruption?
I think that if until the shared RadiAnt .exe is used by a client computer, it will not be available for use by another one.
so they will have to wait until first user import is over.
Oct 25, 2018 08:03 PM

You will be able to create/open multiple databases in the next beta version.
I'm sorry but this will not work out, because:
1) It doesn't matter if you run RadiAnt.exe from a network share, or a local folder. It still runs on your local computer.
2) Even if you only watch images there are some writes to the DB file.
3) Even if only one computer uses the DB on a network share, it still can get corrupted.
Oct 26, 2018 03:55 AM
by marcelvn
Great to hear about multiple databases.
About Tommy's requests, I believe his intentions could be accomplished by some sort of support to DICOM query to a Radiant instance/database.
So here comes my question: Do you plan to add DICOM query support to the database?
Oct 26, 2018 11:55 AM

You're basically asking about the PACS server functionality in RadiAnt.
Yes, we plan to implement it, but at some later time, I think. Our focus right now is on the "client" features.
Oct 27, 2018 05:05 AM
by Tommy
regarding the "create/open multiple databases" what this exactly means?
if RadiAnt on PC n°1 has it's own database on PC n°1 while RadiAnt on PC n°2 has a database in PC n°, will it be possible for RadiAnt on PC n°1 to view cases stored on PC n°2?
I mean just viewing cases, not importing...
each RadiAnt could work as a separate DICOM node.
Oct 28, 2018 10:22 AM

No, these will be still local databases. Sharing one database file between a few computers is not an option right now.
You will just have the option to create new databases and open them.
E.g., you can create a separate database for teaching cases, keep it on the USB and open on other computers where RadiAnt is installed.
RadiAnt as a DICOM node serving studies is a more distant future.
Oct 29, 2018 07:40 AM
by Tommy
Ok, I understand.
let's keep it as a local DICOM viewer with local database then.
I have an enhancement request... please ad d an "open in a new RadiAnt window" item in the right click menu in the database panel
actually you have only open, an open in a new Window could be a nice feature.
Oct 30, 2018 03:48 PM

Tommy, different opening modes were added to the latest version (4.9.8).
Mar 22, 2019 11:53 AM
by Johannes
I like to use the stable version of Radiant very much. And today I installed the newest beta version on win 10. But when I tried to open the local archive (F8) I got the Info: "Database could not be opened". Can you help me?
Mar 22, 2019 02:53 PM
by Eisenrhorn
try make new data base, ctrl+shift+d.
And I think betas of Radiant very stable.
I know huge number machines with Radiant, never problems from Radiant, never.
Mar 22, 2019 08:32 PM

It might be because RadiAnt does not have access rights to My Documents folder where it tries to create the default DB.
Please try our latest beta (4.9.27). If the same happens, press Ctrl+F8 and choose the location for your database.
Sep 26, 2019 08:30 AM
by Konstanitnos
Just a quick question, does the database update automatically when you manually add (via copy paste) dicom files in the database folder or do you need to go somewhere to ask to update> Because I cannot find any option to manually update - only add folder
Sep 27, 2019 09:39 PM

Studies cannot be added to the DB folder manually so that they show up on the list. They have to be copied via the database import.