Apr 24, 2019 11:00 PM
by JSM
We have instances where multiple studies are done on a patient at different times during the day. While RadiAnt sorts by date, the time order for a particular day seems random - any way to ensure that the studies are both in date AND time order?
Apr 27, 2019 09:53 AM

The first sorting criterion of series thumbnail images is the patient name/ID. Perhaps there are some differencies in these fields causing your studies to be out of order as far as time and date is regarded?
Aug 20, 2020 07:04 PM
by Steve
Is there anyway to control the sorting of the studies. I had a request from one Doctor that wants to sort by series date.
Sep 11, 2020 07:36 PM

You can sort studies imported to the local archive. Custom sorting series displayed in the viewer window is not possible.
Aug 25, 2022 04:38 PM
by Peter
I am also trying to sort the thumbnails of the various series (in most cases all relative to the exact same patient, so this has no influence) by the header field "Content Time" or the header field "Acquisition DateTime" but without success.
Even if I import the study in a local archive then it is not possible to sort the series as only the study date is available and not the Content Time.
Honestly I find it very surprising for this issue not to have been solved as I am sure I am not the only one having to deal with ecographic sessions containing tens or even hundreds of series. In these cases to navigate through the series randomly shown by Radiant is a nightmare.
Even using software like DICOM sort has no effect as Radiant keeps reading the series in the same sequence.
Sep 28, 2022 02:52 PM

Hi, if you could contact us using
https://www.radiantviewer.com/contact/ and provide additional details about your sorting issue that would certainly help to understand the problem.