Nov 5, 2016 08:43 AM
by Georg
Dear Radiant-Developers,
my wishes for Santa Claus and christmas:
- please allow Radiant to store the dicom pictures locally in a database like sqlite or even mysql or mariadb!
- please allow Radiant to send the dicom pictures or series or patients to other pacs!
- please give Radiant the ability to burn pictures, series and even mutiple patients on a cd!
This would make Radiant to to best Dicom system ever. And yet it is the best Dicom viewer one could think of.
Thany you so much
Nov 9, 2016 05:28 AM
by Tommy
most of these feature requests are already in the To Do List.
I suggest buying a licence to support the developers.
the software is incredible cheap in respect to what it can do.
Nov 10, 2016 06:10 PM

Dear Georg,
Thank you for your kind words.
This year Santa won't be this generous, I'm afraid.
He's going to bring the oblique MPR instead ;-)
Like Tommy said, these things are in our to-do list, we all just need some patience :-)
Nov 11, 2016 02:40 PM
by Georg
Dear Maciej,
thank you so much!
Nov 29, 2019 04:33 PM
by Adrian
The ability to STORE / push images up to our PACS system from the local store would make this software very useful to us. This is a job we do a dozen times a week !!
Please push to the top of the TODO list
Nov 30, 2019 12:11 PM

Certainly, at some point we will add the DICOM send feature. This will require some time, however. Currently we have only DICOM parsing module in RadiAnt. DICOM creation module will be required for DICOM send to work. There are many different DICOM file types (transfer syntaxes), you have to "translate" between them when sending files to another PACS server/workstation (which may request specific transfer syntax).