Nov 11, 2015 06:28 PM
by Tommy
actually the Synchronization options menu is under the split screen dropdown menu
I think it's completely out of place and does not belong to that place...
I say that because it happens frequently to me to forget where those commands are and spending time to find them and most of the time the split screen submenu is the last place I go looking at.
I'd rather think the Sync option deserves it's own toolbar button and dropdown menu
a logical position would be before "Browse series" buttom.
the main toolbar icon would be assigned to toggle on/off (actually is the Auto Sync item) while the dropdown would be the current "slice position", "zoom & pan" and "Window" items
regarding the icon I suggest a "chain icon" ... try doing a query on Google images and you'll find many of those
Nov 12, 2015 07:20 PM

I'm not sure if a separate toolbar icon is a good idea.
We avoid clutter & complication as much as possible.
We have in mind a chain icon somewhere inside the viewport, actually.
Nov 12, 2015 09:47 PM
by Tommy
I don't think moving a very used feature in the toolbar will cause much clutter...
that's a very used feature and I think much more used than the "cine" which is already in the toolbar.
if I could customize the toolbar I'd move "Cine" under the "browse series" as a submenu item and move "Sync" from the "split screen" submenu to the toolbar itself
Nov 15, 2015 04:41 PM

Lots of RadiAnt users open ultrasound/angiography cine loops, they'd probably prefer the Cine button much more than the Synch button ;-)
Perhaps some toolbar customization would be a compromise here.
Nov 15, 2015 04:54 PM
by Tommy
I think that the radiant toolbar has still enough place to have both Cine and Sync icons, so it's not necessary to remove Cine to make room for Sync
obviously toolbar customization would please anyone
Apr 7, 2016 05:03 AM
by Tommy
just a reminder about the "chain" icon for the sync option
Apr 10, 2016 08:06 PM

You keep fighting for it, Tommy ;-)
Apr 11, 2016 05:16 AM
by Tommy
... and I never surrender :-)