Jun 23, 2022 12:11 AM
by Pseudoname
I received a multi-file scan recently from a 1st time source who uses JMorita. The pixel spacing is "0.1250\0.1250", the slice thickness is "0.125" and the distance between slices seems to be calculated from "Image Position (Patient)". There is no "slice location" tag nor "distance between slices".
Here are the "Image Position (Patient)" for slices 2, 3, 4, and 5:
DS -44.062500\-44.062500\-39.875000
DS -44.062500\-44.062500\-39.750000
DS -44.062500\-44.062500\-39.625000
DS -44.062500\-44.062500\-39.500000
For these same slices, RadiAnt displays:
T: 0.1mm L: -39.9mm
T: 0.1mm L: -39.8mm
T: 0.1mm L: -39.6mm <------ note the difference here
T: 0.1mm L: -39.5mm
An image comments section (0020,4000) does show:
but I doubt RadiAnt is using that information.
When I open the set in the viewer (v 2021.2.2 64bit), I get no error; however, when I open the MPR window, I get a message box saying, "Warning" "The slice interval is not regular. The distortion in presentation and measurements may be present."
If I close the warning and the MPR window and reopen MPR, I don't see the warning again. I opened the program, opened the offending set, opened the MPR window and closed it all multiple times in a row and sometimes I did not see the warning; usually I did. I opened the scan and MPR once on the most recent Beta (released today, June 22) and I didn't get the warning message.
I checked the set of 641 slices and verified that every 8 slices is 1 mm apart. I don't know where this error is coming from. Was it a know problem that has been fixed in the beta version?
Jun 25, 2022 09:48 AM

Would you be able to send us this sample series so that we can check what's going on?
Jun 27, 2022 09:08 PM
by Pseudoname
Sure. I'll edit the tags to remove personal information and test it again to be sure the problem still occurs before sending via cloud link to your support.
Jul 2, 2022 11:58 PM
by Pseudoname
Follow up:
Upon further testing, it seems that I was opening the MPR window BEFORE the set had finished loading in the main window. This set uses about 4 times more disk space and thus took longer to load than I was used to.
I could not get the error message described if I waited for the set to load. I always got the error described when opening the MPR window before the set had completely loaded.
I wasn't being careful enough. I apologize for the trouble.