Mar 26, 2017 08:26 PM
by Mike
I've got a series of a few thousand dicom files and successfully imported them into Radiant, where I'm able to view the series slice by slice using the scroll bar - that works great.
I'd like to perform a 3D Volume Rendering, however that icon is grayed out as are the Fusion and Multiplanar Reconstruction icons.
I've got a trial version of Radiant, version 3.9.36 Beta.
Can anyone tell me if these features are grayed out because I have the trial version or is there an issue with my dicom files?
Apr 1, 2017 07:22 PM

This looks like RadiAnt for some reason cannot detect a valid volume in your dataset.
If you contact us via this form , we can work further to find out what's actually wrong with the dicom files.