Sep 7, 2021 01:55 PM
by Zachary
I have an application of RadiAnt Viewer wherein I need to be able to display the images, but 'blind' the user to the true scan date on the DICOM tags.
I see that in overlay.xml that I'm able to adjust the overlay to remove the date, but it still appears in the header of the series on display.
And a user can simply view the DICOM tags to see all the information there.
So, ideally, I would be looking for a way to configure the Viewer so it does not show any scan dates anywhere, and disables the users from being able to view the tags.
Is there any way to accomplish this in configurable options?
(I'm currently operating with v1.9.14.7431 (64-bit).
Thank you!
Sep 20, 2021 06:31 PM

Sorry, there is no way to have the functionality you want in RadiAnt.
Oct 7, 2021 06:57 PM
by Zachary
Thank you for confirming, good to know!