Jan 11, 2018 01:59 PM
by Jonas
I wonder, if you could implement additional function to copy currently active single image to clipboard in 1:1 (original) size without annotations. It would be great if it would have unique keyboard shortcut, so that it is quick (ex. Ctrl + Q). I have an idea to develop a platform for sharing images for radiologists and I would like to recommend RadiAnt as a viewer of choice.
Jan 14, 2018 05:09 AM
by francesco duefranco@libero.it
export image (control+E)
current image
default 1:1
annotations : disable
choose folder
Jan 14, 2018 05:10 AM
by francesco duefranco@libero.it
menu help
customize keyboard
Jan 14, 2018 04:46 PM
by francesco duefranco@libero.it
manual page 122
Copying to the clipboard
The image displayed in the active viewport can be easily copied to the Windows clipboard and then
pasted into other Windows applications such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, etc.
Click the Copy to clipboard in the Export drop-down menu or use the Ctrl + C
To copy images from all three viewports combined into one bitmap, click the Copy all to
clipboard in the Export drop-down menu or use the Shift + C shortcut.
Switch to the application where you want to paste the image and click Ctrl + V .