Oct 8, 2017 07:50 AM
by Tommy
Hello, I downloaded latest 4.1.6 beta and tried to play with the new "custom PACS search fields" syntax
here'se the code I edited in the pacs.xml file.
probably there's some mistake in it since I don't notice any difference in the GUI after adding the custom <srcfields> lines.
would you please check my code and provide a screenshot of where the GUI should show the changes?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<listener ae="RADIANT_PACS" port="11112" />
<host name="STORE" ae="STORE" ip="" ts="1.2.840.10008." port="5000" maxassoc="1" allpres="1" search="1" />
<i id="00081070" n="Operators' name" h="Enter operators' name..." la="1" ta="1"/>
Oct 8, 2017 07:54 AM

Hi, Tommy. This should go into the options.xml file :-)
Oct 8, 2017 08:57 AM
by Tommy
which one? options.xml inside AppData or ProgramData?
I added the following code at the end of the .xml
<!-- define additional PACS search fields -->
<i id="00081070" n="Operators' name" h="Enter operators' name..." la="1" ta="1"/>
<!-- id - DICOM tag id, n - name, h - hint, la - add leading asterisk, ta - add trailing asterisk -->
but nothing changed...
Oct 8, 2017 09:18 AM

Works for both locations of the options.xml file.
The custom search fields are added to the combobox with "Patient name", "Patient ID", "Accession number", etc.
Oct 10, 2017 05:33 AM
by Tommy
strange... I still don't see any "Operator's name" in that dropdown list...
here's the entire options.xml file I edited.
probably there's some error in the code...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<toregion>0</toregion> <!-- zoom-to-region mode (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<offcenter>0</offcenter> <!-- the image region pointed by mouse cursor (when zooming is started) retains its position on screen (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<scrollwrap>1</scrollwrap> <!-- "endless" scrolling (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<presets> <!-- window settings - presets -->
<!-- <i m="CT" i="8" n="Preset 1" ww="70" wl="30"/> --> <!-- m - modality (CR, CT, MR, XA, MG, etc.), i - shortcut key (2-9), n - preset name, ww - window width, wl - window level -->
<!-- <i m="CT" i="9" n="Preset 2" ww="32" wl="30"/> -->
<nmneg>0</nmneg> <!-- show NM (nuclear medicine) images in negative (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<enabled>1</enabled> <!-- automatic synchronization (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<slice>1</slice> <!-- synchronize slice location (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<zoom>1</zoom> <!-- synchronize zoom&pan (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<window>0</window> <!-- synchronize window settings (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<notify>1</notify> <!-- notify about new updates (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<tools> <!-- tools assigned to mouse buttons (1 - browse series, 2 - zoom, 3 - pan, 4 - change WW/WL, 5 - ROI) -->
<lmb>1</lmb> <!-- left mouse button -->
<mmb>4</mmb> <!-- middle mouse button -->
<rmb>2</rmb> <!-- right mouse button -->
<mw>1</mw> <!-- mouse wheel - valid tools: browse series (1) or zoom (2) -->
<penscalpel>0</penscalpel> <!-- associate the scalpel tool with pen (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<autorun>1</autorun> <!-- Cine mode is started automatically for XA and US series -->
<fps>10</fps> <!-- default frames-per-second rate for series without predefined FPS -->
<autoshow>1</autoshow> <!-- mode of showing first image in viewport (0 - user has to click a series to show it, 1 - first scanned image file is shown, 2 - after scanning all files, first series from the preview bar is shown) -->
<ussep>0</ussep> <!-- show separate thumbnails for single frame ultrasound images belonging to the same DICOM series (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled) -->
<desc>0</desc> <!-- study sorting mode (0 - ascending date, 1 - descending date) -->
<!-- disabled features and toolbar buttons -->
<!-- <folders/> -->
<!-- <cddvd/> -->
<!-- <pacs/> -->
<!-- <export/> -->
<split c="2" r="2"/> <!-- default split screen preset c - columns, r - rows -->
<clp>0</clp> <!-- close panel button behavior (0 - closes panel, 1 - clears panel) -->
<!-- define additional PACS search fields -->
<i id="00081070" n="Operators' name" h="Enter operators' name..." la="1" ta="1"/>
<!-- id - DICOM tag id, n - name, h - hint, la - add leading asterisk, ta - add trailing asterisk -->
Oct 10, 2017 05:35 AM
by Tommy
oh... nevermind... I just figured out what was wrong...
I needed to "close" the <pacs> code with </pacs>
Oct 10, 2017 06:38 AM

Exactly ;-)
Oct 10, 2017 03:59 PM
by Tommy
I wonder if this could be hacked in some way to create "search presets"
like "show all MR from today" or "show all DR from last week" etc. etc.
Oct 13, 2017 06:24 AM

Sorry Tommy, there is no such hack...
Nov 18, 2017 07:02 AM
by Tommy
fixed in 4.1.21 beta.