Sep 24, 2019 02:43 AM
by Daniil Parshin
Is there density filter dor CT dicom files. Whrn I/m reconstructing angio I have to filter a lot of bones, but I need only blood vessels. Is it possible o do you plan to develop this feature in the new version?
Sep 27, 2019 09:21 PM

No currently there is no such filter in RadiAnt.
Actually, bones also partially have densities similar to blood vessels filled with contrast agent, so you would not be able to filter them out completely.
At some point we will add a proper bone removal tool.
Oct 16, 2023 06:11 AM
by Filon
We are a group of orthopaedic surgeons. We need the bone removal tool. Do you have an estimation of when you will integrate it?
Oct 16, 2023 12:10 PM

No specific time frame is set for this feature.