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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
DICOM Hanging Protocol

Apr 12, 2017 04:42 AM
by Shuji
Hi Great Developer Team

Would you please implement hanging protocol into RadiANT as the plan?
User dependent mouse operations and view number of tiling and so on for every start running RadiANT.

Best regards

Shuji Yamamoto
Apr 13, 2017 06:16 PM
by RadiAnt
Dear Shuji,

You can define the default split screen settings in the options.xml file:

<split c="0" r="0"/> <!-- default split screen preset c - columns, r - rows -->

The default behavior of mouse buttons in 2D viewer can also be defined:

<tools> <!-- tools assigned to mouse buttons (1 - browse series, 2 - zoom, 3 - pan, 4 - change WW/WL, 5 - ROI) -->
<lmb>1</lmb> <!-- left mouse button -->
<mmb>4</mmb> <!-- middle mouse button -->
<rmb>2</rmb> <!-- right mouse button -->
<mw>1</mw> <!-- mouse wheel - valid tools: browse series (1) or zoom (2) -->

Hanging protocols are planned, but still a few versions away...

Best regards,
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