Feb 25, 2019 09:01 PM
by Timi
Hi, I met a problem when I use RadiAnt to view a series of Dicom Images. I have a set of data which produce 24 Dicom images, however, while I load them to RadiAnt, it only display 1/1 image.
I write my own Dicom library, so I think it must be the problem of my code that misses some Dicom tags. I tried the combination with ScanLength and slice thickness, but it doesn't work. Could anyone who can help me on this issue? Thanks.
Feb 25, 2019 09:28 PM
by Timi
Here are some followup thoughts. I want to use RadiAnt due to its outstanding 3d visualization. I tried some other tools, as long as they can load all images into one series, the Dicom images work as expected. So I believe if I can figure out how to load all images into a image series in RadiAnt, then I can use RadiAnt to do any analysis I want. Still wondering what parameters/Dicom tags do RadiAnt takes to load a series of images. Thanks.
Feb 27, 2019 11:00 AM
by Huub
As far as I know there is none. In the traditional concept of e.g. MR images its a bunch of Image files where DICOM SERIE UID (0020,000E) specifies which image belongs to wich Serie. In most situaties the same Series Number (0020,0011) should specify the same but the DICOM SERIE UID is leading.
Because there are only images there is no administration on a SERIE's level that could specify how many images are in 1 Serie. Only when you scan all files and do your onw inventory based on SERIE UID, you know.
In the newer DICOM Enhanced Image concept where all images belonging to 1 Serie are in 1 File. There is tag called Number of Frames ( 0028,0008) that specifies the number of images/frames in 1 Enhanced image file.
Feb 27, 2019 04:49 PM
by Timi
Hi, @Huub
Thank you for the information. It gave me the right direction.
I did some test and finally figured it out. My Dicom library misses two uid related tags called SOPInstanceUID(0008,0018) and MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID(0002,0003), which RadiAnt takes as the variables to indicate whether the images I drag to the RadiAnt windows are in the same series scan.
Really appreciate for your help. It saved my day.
Mar 1, 2019 01:44 PM
by Huub
Glad to be of help, Every Dicom Image needs a Unique Image UID. They are stored in SOPInstanceUID and MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID. They cannot be empty and if they are I suppose Radiant sees only 1 image ( because the Image UID's are the same, empty). It should give an error because an empty Image UID is not allowed.
Again to split images in Series the Serie UID is used. Write different Serie UID's in images and you will get different Series in RADIANT, or any Dicom Viewer.
Mar 3, 2019 02:04 PM

Basically, you need a different SOPInstanceUID for each of your images and the same SeriesUID so that they all appear as one series.