Mar 23, 2012 01:31 PM
by Asriel
Hi. This is a wonderful software effective and easy to use, fantastic job.
I was wondering if there are any plans for a Linux version in the future. Surely many Mac users would like a Mac version, but they have at least osirix, while apart from Evorad (which does the job, but still not nearly as simple and intuitive as Radiant) there aren't any decent viewers for Linux, so it would be a very welcome addition.
Mar 24, 2012 02:18 PM

Thanks, Asriel!
Currently we only focus on the Windows platform. We simply cannot devote ourselves to other platforms right now... Truth is also that we're doing what we're best at, which is development for Windows systems.
Jun 2, 2012 03:21 AM
by Roberto Barcelos
At least it was working under wine on previous version. Now we are alone again.
Jun 2, 2012 03:23 PM

Roberto, I'm sorry to hear that the new version doesn't work under Wine. We cannot unfortunately support platforms other than Windows... However, you can always download and use the previous versions:
Kind regards,
Jun 2, 2012 08:44 PM
by Tommy
Hi Maciej,
just curious to know if current RadiAnt viewer works on Mac using Windows emulators.
do you have any informations about it?
Jun 4, 2012 03:57 PM

Tommy, a few months ago I had a chance to run successfully RadiAnt 0.50 in Parallels on Mac. However, I haven't tested the latest release yet.
Jun 10, 2012 07:58 AM
by Jurek
Hi all
radiantsetup04021523.exe working at wine just fine.... except one and for me the most important tool, measurement tools.
New verssion 1.04 is working on newest development WINE on Debian, same problemem here.
I tried with crossover too, same problem.
You can drag line/elipse... but it will not show you anything (just line).
Raidiant w wersji 04021523 działa poprawnie na każdej wersji WINE. Jedyna rzecz, która nie działa poprawnie to przyrządy miernicze.
Nowa wersja 1.04 też działa, ale tylko w wersji rozwojowej WINE (u mnie na debianku), działa z tym samym problemem.
Problem polega na tym, że możesz co prawda stworzyć "linię", lecz nie pokazuje odległości.
--> To moim zdaniem najlepszy "prawie" program. Jednak na linuksa nie ma żadnego softu oprócz maszyny wirtualnej i windows-a :P. Czy jest nadzieja, że przetestujesz i sprawdzisz co jest nie tak i spróbujesz naprawić co jest nie tak.
Jun 11, 2012 06:57 AM

Hi Jurek,
That's quite strange... but I'm not very familiar with WINE and right now have no idea what's causing this problem... We'll try to find an hour or two to give it a try and maybe solve it.
Jun 11, 2012 12:41 PM
by Jurek
You can use virtualbox to install linux. The best way is to use old verssion radiantsetup04021523 -> not all distros offer new unstable WINE. -> some info about debugging.
I think you have to install special verssion with debugging. I am not a developer, just simple Linux user. I think you can show to hospital that they can make a lot of money when they Install Linux+Wine+radiant vs Windows.
Jan 4, 2016 05:22 PM
by Works in wine
For future reference
Radiant 2.2.9 works under Wine wine-1.7.50
Jan 5, 2016 07:25 PM
by aaaaaaaaa
Each of the last versions works under wine. I have been installing / updating the betas constantly on linux.
Jan 10, 2016 03:33 PM
by Reinier
Perfect with wine 1.8 under Linux mint 17.3
Jan 5, 2017 08:49 PM
by Java
Works perfect on Linux Mint 18.1 with Wine 1.8 (RadiAnt 2.2.9)
Jan 7, 2017 03:36 PM
by Bob
Works with Wine on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.
Sep 21, 2017 02:47 PM
by csola48
Radiantviwer works with Ubuntu 16.04.3, with wine version 1.6.2 (32 bit).
Jan 10, 2018 05:25 PM
by Luis Zuñiga
Hi, please release a linux version
Jan 17, 2018 06:57 PM
by Aaron Martinez
Fedora 26, Kernel 4.14 x86_64, Wine 2.20, radiantviewer 4.2.1 works Perfect !
Jul 17, 2019 02:14 AM
by Gian Mureddu
I have RadiAnt working just fine under Fedora, however, every time there is an update to the wine packages (as there are "changes" to the underlying prefix[es]), RadiAnt stops working. And this is most frustrating as I did buy a license.
Jul 17, 2019 02:20 AM
by Gian Mureddu
A little addendum to the last comment. When there are updates to the underlying wine infrastructure, the behaviour is that for some reason the license servers never respond and when they do, you see a pop-up stating you can only have one active copy. So the only way for me to work around this is to disconnect from the network, run RadiAnt, perform a deactivation of the current machine, go to the website, finish the deactivation, only to perform the activation once more once I successfully deactivated RadiAnt from the website. It must be how the software identifies the machine and how Wine reports itself (I'll try hiding Wine version from the applications in winecfg, but I have little hope that will help much in this regard).
Jul 17, 2019 10:52 AM
by @Gian
Hi Gian, I do understand that this is frustrating but maybe it is understandable that Radiant has to have some sort of activation protection, and when you update wine it is as if you have installed a new operating System. If wine works for you in the current Version, do you Need to update? Maybe you can hold wine at the current Version in your package Manager?
Jul 21, 2019 06:39 PM

Could it be that the activation codes are cleared from the registry when Wine is reinstalled? Anyway, Wine compatibility is just a "collateral", we are not able to debug all the issues that can arise during emulation.