Nov 18, 2016 12:33 PM
by beham
Radiant looks amazing, and probably a great alternative to Osirix...Does this viewer have clearance for medical use in europe (and in France)? is it CE approved , FDA approved?
Thanks alot
Nov 18, 2016 01:40 PM

RadiAnt DICOM Viewer is not a medical product. It has no FDA/CE or any other certifications.
It is meant to be used to view images of the studies that were originally reported using certified diagnostic workstations.
Nov 18, 2016 05:21 PM
by JJ
is radiant ready for 4k monitor ?
Nov 18, 2016 05:48 PM

Currently, depending on the DPI settings, texts in UI may seem slightly blurred.
Full HighDPI support will come later.
Nov 19, 2016 06:47 AM
by Tommy
even if not FDA/CE approved let me says that RadiAnt is much better than many medically approved softwares...
Dec 7, 2020 08:14 PM
by Kate
In 2020, is RadiAnt approved for medical use or is it like in 2016 (first question on this topic) ?
Dec 11, 2020 04:24 PM

No, RadiAnt is still a DICOM viewer not certified as a medical device. If things change we will certainly be announcing this.
Nov 10, 2021 12:40 AM
by ThaiRIS.Net
Any update FDA?
Nov 12, 2021 01:02 PM

No updates at this moment.
Nov 13, 2021 09:42 AM
by I'm user)
I thing this is a solution )
It seems to me that it is possible to release a separate version licensed as medical software, but at a very high price, like efilm and osiris, in order to protect against possible legal costs in case of conflicts)
Radiant the best!
Nov 13, 2021 06:07 PM
by aaaaaaa
@I'm user)
eFilm is gone
Note: We have just announced that eFilm Workstation will reach end of support on 6/30/2022 and we are not longer able to take sales orders after 4/30/2021.
I have tried OsiriX and I would not buy a mac just because of that.
And why is eFilm gone? Very expensive and vanishing customer base.
Radiologist get their FDA or CE approved software when they buy the modality or when in hospital, as a solution that is provided by the hospital information system. For instance, we have IMPAX, because we have ORBIS. Going to the managers of the hospital and saying, ok, we get the solution from the HIS software provider in one packet, but I would like YOU to pay extra 1500 eur per Workstation per year to this software provider because I like their software better AND pay AGFA to provide support for this, they will think you are crazy. You have an approved software, live with it.
Surgeons / clinicians (well internal medicine doctors do not look at images) viewing images is another story and you do not need a FDA / CE approval. And I have to say Radiant does wonderful job in storing images, cross reference lines, 3D cursor, pencil!! the best - I use pencil every day in the outpatient office to highlight the pathology to the patients.
So as a surgeon, I need a cheap and good working viewer that I can use to look at the CDs the patients bring, and to show them what I mean. Going CE / FDA means everything will cost too much money. I am already disappointed that you cannot buy the update for reduced price, and if update wanted, you have to go subscription (we have 2 licenses). But the current radiant ist very good and will work well for the next 5 years.
The clinical software in our office was recently switched from old windows32 - DDE link based, terrible conglomerate of separate small programs that never worked right and always got stuck waiting for the DDE link to work to a web based software in the cloud. The only thing remaining not cloudy are the dicom images, that will also work in the next years.
But I think the guys behind Radiant know who their customers are and will not go the eFilm path. If a colleague works in our praxis as a substitute, he always wants radiant afterwards in his own office. If it costs 1500+, nobody will want it. It is very nice to have, but not a necessity.
Nov 25, 2021 09:57 AM

aaaaaaa mostly got it right. Going the eFilm way is certainly not something we would like to pursue. When we started RadiAnt project, we wanted to create a great DICOM viewing tool for the masses, as there was no such on the market. And we still want it to be available for virtually everybody.
Anyway, nothing is set in stone yet.