Aug 30, 2012 08:10 PM
by Jan Hellings
While testing RadiAnt I hit a problem to open files:
I store patients as subdirectories of a network drive x:
The images which are delivered on cd are copied in a subdirectory per patient identiefied by the date of the production of the images.
--> PatientA
---> 20120510
---> 20120612
--> dicom image directory ...
--> PatientB
---> 20110215
---> 20120801
When I open a folder and select a particular date for example patientA 20120612, I get the fantastic result that all images under that folder are shown.
When however I want to open the series for an other patient, for examplte patientB ---> 20120801, I'm unable to select that patient as I get always the patient from the first selection and I don't see even patientB appearing in the list under x:
What do I do wrong and how can I change to an other directory?
Many thanks in advance, this is really a great product ...
Aug 30, 2012 09:27 PM

Dear Jan,
This is a really strange behavior that we cannot reproduce...
Could you tell us which version of RadiAnt you are using and your operating system version?
What I can suggest is to try to drag and drop your patient folder from windows explorer into RadiAnt window, maybe this will work for you.
May 24, 2020 07:35 AM
by xhaustiv
I`m using Radiant v2020.1.1 x64 on win10 home edition and when I`m trying to load local directory (CT) the programme freezes and I cannot acces any image. On the bottom, it shows the remaning loading time and is about 20-30 minutes, but in fact it never ends loading. Restarting Radiant is not a solution. I must close de app from task manager because is not working after restarting radiant (win says that Radiant is still running). One mounth ago, on the same PC with win10 pro edition, radian was working fine.