A few new features and improvements:
- Zoom & pan synchronization
- Window (WW/WL) synchronization
- Synchronization settings in split screen button popup menu
- Duplicate ROI in corresponding series (CTRL + SHIFT + D)
- Delete ROIs in all visible images (SHIFT + DEL)
- Time-Intensity Curve generation (CTRL + SHIFT + E)
- Status bar shows remaining files during folder scan
- Change color scale in fusion images (click color bar)
- Change fused image opacity (left mouse button down and drag over color bar)
- Maximize/restore panel (button/double click on image/CTRL + M), you can switch between opened series in maximized panel using TAB
- Click panel close button with CTRL pressed to clear the panel instead of closing it
- Anonimize all visible patient data (SHIFT + F12)
- Added WW/WL presets for modalities other than CT
- Hold CTRL during ellipse drawing to show actual DICOM pixels area (only when image is magnified)
- Ellipse ROI label shows actual DICOM pixels number used for calculations
- Options.xml file (ProgramData/RadiAntViewer folder in Windows7) - change default options (currently only by manual editing)
- Zoom-to-region mode for zooming tool (available in options.xml)
- Off-center zooming (retains desired image region visibility during zooming - available in options.xml)
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
We will appreciate your comments and suggestions!