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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 4.1.5 BETA

Oct 1, 2017 12:28 PM
by RadiAnt
We have a new beta version for you today - 4.1.5

Improvements and bug fixes:

* Added quick search in the "Open series" window (F4) - comes handy when browsing a large collection of studies.
* Added custom PACS search fields (via options.xml).
* Added automatic online activation via command line: radcmd.exe -activateonline SERIALNUMBER.
* Added support for radiant:// URL protocol (RadiAnt can be launched from a web browser and perform certain actions by clicking a link).
* Added support for DICOM Deflated Little Endian Transfer Syntax (Explicit VR) (1.2.840.10008.
* Improved series sorting in the "Open series" window (F4).
* Improved VR/3D MPR support for multi-frame series.
* Improved default WW/WL calculation for multi-frame images.
* DICOM dictionary updated to 2017d.
* Fixed: RGB images with incorrect WW/WL were not displayed properly.
* Fixed: rare type of JPEG compressed images could not be opened.
* Optimized memory management.

Download here:

Note, you might get initially SmartScreen warnings after downloading the setup file. This is caused by a new certificate that needs to get some "reputation" before it's deemed safe by Microsoft filters.
Oct 1, 2017 01:18 PM
by RadiAnt
How to create radiant:// URLs?

The syntax is very similar to the command line arguments -

Sample cmdline to url translations:

radiantviewer.exe -d "folder1" "folder2" "folder3"

radiantviewer.exe -pstv 0020000D ""

radiantviewer.exe -paet MYPACSAETITLE -pstv 00100020 "23874623-PATIENTID"

Oct 1, 2017 06:51 PM
by Tommy
tell me more about

* Added custom PACS search fields (via options.xml).
Oct 2, 2017 07:26 AM
by RadiAnt
Have a look at the end of the options.xml file.
The code below will add the "Operators' name" option to the main search field.

<i id="00081070" n="Operators&apos; name" h="Enter operators&apos; name..." la="1" ta="1"/>
<!-- id - DICOM tag id, n - name, h - hint, la - add leading asterisk, ta - add trailing asterisk -->

Oct 2, 2017 12:00 PM
by Dr. Elnur Mehdi
Just an another function you can add to Radiant is "Exporting JPEG compressed DICOM images". One can also select JPEG compression level. This is very useful function for archiving.
Oct 4, 2017 03:00 AM
by Brunno Souto
Please provide the WADO support... we have been awaiting so far for that...
Oct 6, 2017 02:28 PM
by RadiAnt
Thank you for your suggestions. Some features get higher priority than others, and the development takes time. We kindly ask for your patience :-)
Nov 14, 2017 07:30 PM
by failed to install
clicked trial licence:
"The software cannot be activated on this system"
Nov 14, 2017 08:21 PM
by RadiAnt
The message you get is displayed on systems where the licensing module cannot generate the machine ID required for activation.
This problems arises only when the Windows WMI service is not working properly.
Did you try to run RadiAnt as Administrator?
Unless you get this service to work (which can be a complicated procedure), reinstall the operating system or use another computer, you will not be able to install and use RadiAnt.
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