Nov 9, 2017 02:37 PM
by Dan
Windows 10 device (Surface Book) and I have loved Radiant for the ability to pinch/zoom, pan and scroll without having to change any tools at all. Not sure if there was an update in the last few weeks that changed this, but now I have to change tools manually and have to choose 2 of the three (pinch/zoom, pan, scroll), but can't access all 3 using just multitouch interaction like I could before.
Any ideas about what changed?
Nov 10, 2017 09:03 AM

Hi Dan,
I've just tested our latest RadiAnt with Surface Pro 4 and nothing has changed as far as the touch support in RadiAnt is considered. Could it be something with your system?
Nov 10, 2017 02:47 PM
by Dan