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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
Single user multiple machines

Jun 23, 2021 05:06 PM
by Joaquim Simão
I study in an public Hospital that offers me an inferior DICOM Viewer solution compared to RadiAnt. I would like to buy a license for my personal use, but I must use that in multiple computers.
Is there any support for this licensing scheme?
Jun 25, 2021 06:01 PM
by RadiAnt
Our viewer is licensed on a per-device basis. So each individual PC has to be licensed.
One paid license can only be activated on one device (the device can be changed once in 90 days period).
Currently there is no option to share a license between multiple computers.
Jan 29, 2025 07:04 PM
by Shehla
Hello. I work on two different systems that is computer at my work place and laptop at my home. I have purchased 6 months dicom but i am unable to switch both. Do I have to purchase another package for my laptop?
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