Nov 1, 2019 11:45 PM
by Jacob
I'm trying to find a solution to speed up opening studies from PACS.
I have a 1 Gb network.
I've recently discovered that although the first download of a study is quite slow - about 10 MB/s, opening the same study on the same computer again, speeds up to almost full network speed to 80-100 MB / s.
I thought that the Radiant has some local buffer or photos are loaded into RAM, but after restarting the machine, this particular test still opens much faster than others.
Can you provide me some info why this is happening and maybe pass some tips on how to speed up opening studies?
Nov 2, 2019 09:37 PM
by Aaaa
Just a fellow user here... Check your pacs settings is there anycaching going on there?
Nov 7, 2019 04:51 PM

It looks like your PACS server performs some caching. Nothing can be done on RadiAnt's side to speed things up.
Nov 7, 2019 06:59 PM
by Jacob
Thanks to both of You. Now I know where to dig.