We have just recompiled our RadiAnt DICOM Viewer for ARM64 platform and thought that we could share some interesting observations regarding Microsoft's new baby.
We took our trusted Surface Pro 6 (Core i7, 16GB, 512GB) and our new Surface Pro X (SQ1, 16GB, 256GB) and took them for a spin.
On Surface Pro 6, 64-bit and 32-bit versions were benchmarked, whereas on Surface Pro X, we ran 32-bit and the new 64-bit ARM build.
The same volume (512x512x288 pixels) was opened in the 3D VR viewer on each platform and the movie of a rotating volume (120 frames) was exported in 360p resolution.
These are the FPS (frames per second) values we obtained:
Surface Pro 6 - 32-bit: 0.226
Surface Pro 6 - 64-bit (COLD): 0.344
Surface Pro 6 - 64-bit (WARM): 0.312
Surface Pro X - 32-bit: 0.0917
Surface Pro X - 64-bit ARM (COLD): 0.354
Surface Pro X - 64-bit ARM (WARM): 0.347
Another interesting aspect is power usage. We measured average wattage during idle and load, comparing ARM64 on SP X with 64-bit on SP 6:
Surface Pro 6 - Idle: 3.5W
Surface Pro 6 - Load: 32.1W (avg), 40.0W (max)
Surface Pro X - Idle: 3.0W
Surface Pro X - Load: 10.7W (avg), 11.0W (max)
Having the above, we can calculate power efficiency in FPS/Watt (idle wattage is subtracted from avg watttage during benchmark):
Surface Pro 6: 0.011
Surface Pro X: 0.046
1) ARM64 on SP X is marginally faster than 64-bit on SP 6 Core i7 (3% in favor of SP X).
2) The power efficiency of SP X is 4x better than SP 6 (ARM64 vs. 64-bit)
3) Thermal throttling exists on SP 6 (10% performance hit). There's virtually no throttling on SP X.
4) 32-bit on SP X pretty much sucks as far as CPU-intensive tasks are considered (being almost 4x slower than ARM64 version).
The ARM64 build of RadiAnt has not been released yet. We will be uploading a beta version in a few days.