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RadiAnt DICOM Viewer - Discussion Forum
Volume annotation tool?

Mar 5, 2017 07:49 AM
by Alex I
Hi, I would like some way to select / mark 3D volumes in a 3D dicom file, and then save the list of 3D volumes to a file. The volume could be a sphere (by placing center marker and then selecting the size) or a rectangular shape (by drawing box in two different views). The output file format can be anything, for example csv or xml.

I looked in the manual and could not find this feature. Could you please tell me if there is a way to do it in RadiAnt? I am literally looking to buy any 3D viewer software that has this feature right now, just for that use.

Mar 6, 2017 03:51 PM
by RadiAnt

Currently you can't do it in RadiAnt, I'm afraid...
Mar 6, 2017 09:08 PM
by Alex I
Thank you for the reply. That's too bad... I'd it possible to do the same with 2d markers like circle or ruler?
Mar 13, 2017 09:51 PM
by aaaaaaaaa
Alex, I would use Slicer to do what you describe. Creating rectangular ROIs is not a problem, and it has a python interface where you can certainly export the list of ROIs with few commands. Another Software I would explore is MITK. Both have good support forums.
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