The default position of viewports in the 3D MPR window can be changed from the Viewport layout drop-down menu.
Alternatively, press the F4 to switch to the next viewport layout.
There are six viewport layouts available.
2 Columns [2|1] |
2 Columns [1|2] |
3 Columns |
2 Rows [2|1] |
2 Rows [1|2] |
3 Rows |
The size of the viewports can be changed by dragging the borders between them.
To temporarily maximize the active viewport, press Enter or double-click on the viewport. Repeat this process to restore the viewport to its original size.
Click the Axes button on the toolbar (or press the F3 key) to toggle the visibility of the axes in the viewports.
The auto centering mode for the intersection of the axes can be set in the Axes drop-down menu.
•Always: Centering is performed whenever the intersection is moved off the center.
•Only hidden: Centering is performed only when the intersection is moved outside the viewport.
•Never: Centering is disabled.
To center all axes manually, press Ctrl + F3 or click the Center all menu item.
As you move the mouse cursor over viewports, the position of location markers (color dots projected on axes) is updated.
The location markers of the same color represent the same point in the volume and, thus, help identify structures in different viewports.
Click the Reset scene button on the toolbar (or press Ctrl + R ) to restore the initial view in the 3D MPR window.