The overlay.xml file can be used to change the default annotations displayed over images in RadiAnt DICOM Viewer.
It is located in the "C:\ProgramData\RadiantViewer" folder.
When RadiAnt DICOM Viewer is used as a patient CD/DVD viewer, the overlay.xml file can be also placed in the "COMMON" folder on the CD/DVD media.
Sample file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<i r="0" s="1" c="1"/>
<i r="1" s="2"/>
<i r="2" s="3"/>
<i r="0" a="1" s="4"/>
<i r="1" a="1"><e k="1" i="00100020"/></i>
<i r="2" s="5"/>
<i r="3"><e k="1" i="00080080"/></i>
<i r="4"><e k="1" i="00200010"/></i>
<i r="5"><e k="1" i="00081030"/></i>
<i r="6"><e k="1" i="0008103E"/></i>
<i r="7"><e k="1" i="00204000"/></i>
<i r="8"><e k="1" i="00324000"/></i>
<i r="9" s="6" c="1"/>
<i r="0" s="A"/>
<i r="1" s="D" c="1"/>
<i r="2" s="C" c="1"/>
<i r="0" s="9"/>
<set c="1">
<i r="0" s="e" c="1"/>
<set m="MR" e="1">
<i r="1" s="7"/>
<i r="2" s="8"/>
<set m="CT" e="1">
<i r="1" s="F"/>
<set m="MG" e="1">
<i r="3"><e k="1" i="00200062"/></i>
<i r="4"><e k="1" i="00185101"/></i>
<set> a collection of annotations grouped in four corners of the image panel
<set> attributes:
"m" modality (a set is considered as default if the "m" attribute is missing)
"c" c="0" - set defined for static images, c="1" - set defined for CINE mode
"e" e="0" - set overwrites default set, e="1" - set extends default set
<tl> top left corner
<tr> top right corner
<bl> bottom left corner
<br> bottom right corner
<i> single row - can be one of the predefined annotations or a collection of elements (texts and DICOM tag values)
<i> attributes:
"r" row index (0 ... n), starting from the panel border (0 - a row closest to the border)
"a" 1 - the row is hidden when anonimization is enabled
"c" font color: 0 - yellow, 1 - red
"d" 1 - the row is hidden when the included DICOM element(s) is missing
"s" if present, one of the predefined annotations is used:
01 Current image number and total number of images in the viewport (e.g. "3/237")
02 Current series number (e.g. "Se: 4")
03 Lossy image compression info (e.g. "Lossy compression (JPEG 2000)")
04 Patient name (without ^^^)
05 Patient birthday and sex (e.g. "1952-02-09 M")
06 Rotation/flip info (e.g. "R: 90° CCW F: H")
07 MRI TE and TR times (e.g. "TR: 540.0 TE: 14.0")
08 MRI strength of field (e.g. "FS: 1.5")
09 Image acquisition date and time (or study date and time if acquisition timestamp is not available) (e.g. "2009-12-03 19:23:12")
0A Thickness and location of the image (e.g. "T: 5.0mm L: -68.7mm")
0B Positioner angles (e.g. "LAO: 9 CRA: 27")
0C Mouse cursor position (in DICOM image coordinates) and value of the DICOM pixel under cursor (e.g. "X: 139 Y: 281 Val: 105")
0D Window width and level info, window preset, negative mode (e.g. "WL: 40 WW: 80 [CT Brain]")
0E Current real FPS (frames per second) value during CINE run (e.g. "15 fps")
0F X-ray tube current in mA and peak kilovoltage output of the x-ray generator(e.g. "330mA 120kV")
10 3D cursor position in milimeters (e.g. "X: 28.94mm Y: -6.12mm Z: -487.03")
<e> single element (a text or a DICOM tag value)
<e> attributes:
"k" 1 - DICOM tag value, 2 - text element
"i" DICOM tag ID (group and element hex values), valid only if k="1"
"t" a text, valid only if k="2"
an example of a row consisiting of the text element and the DICOM tag value:
<i r="3" d="1"><e k="2" t="Body part examined: "/><e k="1" i="00180015"/></i>